Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | Saturday & Sunday: Closed
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Automotive Services

Routine inspections and DOT (MIP) inspections

Our ASE certified mechanics will inspect your car, truck, or trailer from engine bay to undercarriage and provide you with a comprehensive report. The condition of your vehicle and all recommended repairs and maintenance will be explained and prioritized so you can make an educated decision on how to safely maintain your vehicle. Our service advisor, Leo, can provide estimates on needed repairs, and will let you know which items can wait, and which items should be prioritized.

Engine and transmission diagnostics, repair, and maintenance

Whether you drive a Chevy Silverado or Toyota Camry and rarely see the check engine light, or you drive a Volkswagen and find it strange when a warning light isn’t flashing in your face; our Master-Certified technicians can help you with that. Modern vehicles are full of self-monitored emissions systems and electronically-controlled engine management devices and our mechanics love nothing more than to stare at a scantool and read things like “grams per second” and “fuel trim bank 1.” So if your check engine light is on and you think your mass air flow sensor might be giving you grief, swing by, because the techs can’t wait to try out that new oscilloscope.

Common engine and transmission problems include:

Check engine light diagnosis, sensor and actuator failure. Cooling system leaks that include things like radiators and water pumps. Accessory drive system failures that include belts, pulleys, tensioners, and fans. Engine vacuum leaks, fuel pump failure, and emissions system faults from sensors and evaporative system leaks, to catalytic converters. Ignition system problems, like misfires and flashing check engine lights due to failed spark plugs or ignition coils. Timing chain replacements. Transmission issues include slipping, flare shifts, fluid leaks from seals, gaskets, cooler, and lines, and manual transmission clutch replacements.

Electrical diagnostics and repair:

Do you have that amber warning light that looks like an exclamation point inside a triangle that is inside a circle and you are not sure what it means? Does your fuel gauge read ¾, but you are standing next to your dead car on the side of the road right now!? Our mechanics love staring at wiring diagrams and solving puzzles.

Common electrical issues:

Interior and exterior lights and lamps burnt out or inoperative due to wiring issues. Starting and charging system failures can be as simple as a dead battery or failed starters and alternators, or more complicated problems like ignition switch or immobilizer issues or parasitic current draws. Dashboard warning lights. Systems such as heating and air conditioning and their associated switches and electrical actuators. Power windows and door locks, sound systems, or convenience systems that are constantly or intermittently inoperative. Tire pressure monitor warning lights and TPMS sensor replacement.

Oil changes and scheduled maintenance:

We use high quality oil and filters to provide you with an oil change that meets the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications and mileage intervals. During every oil change we fill your tires and washer fluid, and complete a comprehensive inspection. We check wear items and filters at every oil change so that you can choose to maintain your vehicle on an as-needed basis, or by following the manufacturers recommended service intervals.

Common scheduled maintenance items:

Air and cabin filter replacement. Spark plugs and spark plug wire replacement. Driveline services such as direct shift gearbox service, transmission fluid and filter replacement, differential and transfer case services including standard four wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles with Haldex units and bevel boxes or PTUs. Coolant flushes and brake fluid flushes. Timing belt, tensioner, and idler replacements.

Tires – passenger car, truck, and trailer:

We offer most brands of passenger car, light truck, and trailer tires. Order tires on our website or call for a recommendation based on your needs.

Brands we work with: Michelin, Goodyear, Nokian, Continental, BfGoodrich, Cooper, Pirelli, Bridgestone, Firestone, Falken.


We use a top-of-the-line Hunter alignment rack to perform accurate alignments that will reduce tire wear, maintain handling, eliminate pulls, and center your steering wheel. In addition to four-wheel alignments on passenger cars, we can also perform Hunter alignments on long wheel base and dual-rear-wheel light trucks and vans.


Pulsation, vibration, wobbly steering wheel, screech, scrape, squeak, squeal, grind, pedal too soft, pedal too hard, too sensitive, not sensitive enough, feel weird, feel funny – are your brakes doing this stuff? Our mechanics and the guy at the counter will check it out, provide you with an estimate, and fix it right the first time.

Common brake system issues and services:

Brake caliper, pad, and rotor replacement or machining. Brake drum and shoe replacement and machining. ABS and traction control diagnostics and repair. Leaking brake lines, calipers, or hoses. Brake master cylinder and brake booster diagnosis and repair. Parking brake adjustment and repair.

Steering and suspension repair and maintenance:

Sounds like a door creaking, sounds like tin rattling, sounds like a brick bouncing around the trunk, louder around corners, goes away when braking, or definitely makes a sound but can’t describe when it happens or what it sounds like? Steering and suspension issues may present you with warning, like a wheel bearing causing a rotational noise around corners or a sway bar link causing a clunk over bumps, or they may be something like free-play in a tie rod end noticed during a routine safety inspection and oil change. We will inspect and repair your steering and suspension using high quality original equipment parts or aftermarket replacements that maintain the integrity of your vehicle while providing exceptional value.

Common steering and suspension issues:

Control arm, ball joint, and sway bar link and bushing replacement. Excessive free-play in tie rods and all other jointed steering components. Leaking power steering pumps, lines, and hydroboost units. Strut, shock, and spring replacement. Light truck leaf spring assembly repair and replacement. Hub assembly, wheel bearing, four wheel drive vacuum hub replacement.

Air conditioning and heating repairs:

There’s nothing better than cruising down Old Viking on a summer day, unless it’s 95 degrees and humid, in which case you’re gonna need that AC. Is your left vent blowing cold air and your right vent blowing hot air, do you hear a deafening grinding sound every time you turn on recirculation? We will accurately diagnose your air conditioning and heating problems to avoid unnecessary repairs.

Common air conditioning and heating problems:

Leaking air conditioning compressors, lines, and components. Insufficient or no heating or cooling. No airflow from vents, airflow from vents only when fan is switched to highest speed, unable to switch mode or grinding noises when changing modes or temperatures, no defrost, no airflow to foot vents. Noises from drive system caused by AC compressors and clutches.

Trailer electrical and mechanical diagnostics, repair, and maintenance:

In Nowthen, where there are more horses than people and “Farrier” is a real job, we like to keep your equestrian buddies safe and sound during transport by offering expert trailer mechanical and electrical repair, and tire replacement. We service virtually every trailer, including skid-steer trailers, boat trailers, utility trailers, and campers.

Common trailer maintenance and repairs:

Tire repair and replacement. Electric and surge brake repair. Wiring diagnosis and repairs to electric brakes, brake controllers, break-away systems and batteries, lights, weird issues caused by bad grounds, and connectors. Finding out why that fuse on your truck keeps blowing every time you hook up your trailer. Bearing and seal maintenance and replacement. Axle, leaf spring, and leaf spring hardware repair and replacement. Safety chain inspection and replacement.

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Phone: (763) 753-2310
Address: 20145 Saint Francis Blvd. NW
Anoka, MN 55303
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